Enough Said

Shatter plastic chains of this
Material Land
Dancin' in the rain with these
Arboreal hands
Drippin' down with the sand
Hourglass, join the band

Don't trust the stranger with cand
Ee EEK! Run to the car, broke the hand
le off the door, lit the cand
le as the forest expands
No time for errands
Only time for demands
Like a chopper
And a million bucks
Of worthless currency
To cheer us up
Bad luck
Birds of a feather get plucked
Words of the wise
Don't get fucked
You want demise?
Dem' eyes water up
You're not ready for the end
And you don't have to pretend
None of us really are
Prepared for the scars
Never prepared to be behind bars
Dreams of new life on Mars
And simple joys like smokin' tar
Lit cigarettes
Ready the firing squad
Sit, place your bets
Betcha like two peas in a pod
Oh Gods
These kids are shootin' spit wads

While I serve 10 star cod
Ritz Carltoning my way to nod
At the bod
At the bottom of the pit, the fod
der, covering up with sod
Wind up the bop it and let the beat drop it
Rocky, climb the stairs and have a sit
Had a scone before Brexit
Breaking news, gotta chex it
No need to call, just text it
She got the beef, gonna flex it
'Fore families movin' to Texas
A nexus
Perplex us
A mix of the
Writing checks for the decks
Some new cards to use next
Tired of being dealt the same hand
Orphans of the dusty road
Change the mode
Medium's abode
Get in touch with those

Who are done bearin' the load
Of the suits we leave behind
Birthday suits, genetic code
Dilapidated a la mode
Get Edgar Allen Poed
Hot potato hop the toad
Grey the skies that bode
Oh so well, for adventure is owed
Life's a debt
We repay by living
Givin' thanks for thanks giving
Fillin' tanks for pilgrims
Pilgrimages seldom
Images of helldom
Tried to t-t-tell them
Science s-s-sells chems
To be distributed
By the undisputed
Ill machines computed
Life's value diluted
Myopic, their vision
Tunnel with no light at the end
Sew and reap the division
Of their family and friends

Driven apart by the vehicles
Their hatred built
Fueled by the sweat and blood
Gotcha hand on the hilt
Playin' pinball, won't tilt
Electric shock, give a jolt
If shit goes down, I'm'ma bolt
Smartass, like a dolt
Dealin' scares like a polt
ergeist, stares while her eyes rolled
Out her head, onto the table
Got shit hands, but won't fold
Got TV, but no cable
All I would do, if I was able
To craft a world from fables
Mackin' all the Mables
Horsin' all the stables
Coral Gables
Coral Gables

Never been
To see the uninfected
Through plastic sheets
I'm undetected

Shakin' hands with the soon-to-be dead
Code red
A lunatic with the virus
Escaped his confines to
Alarm and define us
As carrier murderers
Cuttin' off all support
Age limit for healthcare
Never been so unfair
No resources to spare
Last resorts can't compare
Highrise up in the air
Skyscrapin' the atmosphere
Of despair
Oh, the witch?
That bitch named Blaire
T-t-twitchin, raisin' hair
Raisin brands from water
Pruney hands like I'm old
Grab the torch to cauter-
ize wounds with gold
Betty bought her
Body mods cause she's bold
St-st-stories untold
No hand without another to hold
World went from selling to sold
Ring the bell
G-g-g-g-grow some mold
Play the ch-ch-cello
Say clever things like hey and hello
And the pain brings the bellow
Infection, gangreen to yellow
Hope the smoke can help mellow
The itch burrowed below

Only the high curbs the lows
Got lawns to mow
Pawns, oh woe
Is me, pawnshops
Ownin' me
Only Kong I know is
Only song I know is
Honk the horn, feelin honkey
Watch the porn
Cause I'm horney
Pop the corn
Drop a corpsey on the floory
Welcome to the mortuary
This is where thing may get hairy
A world with no Atlas to carry
It through the fires and brim
Stone, the walls of the wallaby halls
Got those lulaby luls
Feelin' shippy got hulls
Cruise ships, time they mull

Over it, with mulled wine
Disturbed, tit piercing, why
I don't mind the refined
Go to stores with no lines
Closed doors with no signs
Like a pork with no pine
Got the quills
Notaries stampin' the wills
To inherit the thrills left
Behind by the killed
Finally got time to chill
Takin' swigs from farm swill
Swellin' up these gills
Allergic to the hills
With their eyes on the still
Glass-surface waters
Lottery of the lotters
Battery of the batters
Folly of fallers
Vats or vatters
Beach ball chatter
With the whipped cream batter

Wrath of the rat people
That steal your kids
Away in the night
Hide by closed lids
Five goldfish
Swimmin' in the toilet
Flushed into another motherfuckin'
Dementia of politicians and their pensions
Did I forget to mention
That they forgot the henchmen
To back up their diabolical ascension
While the heat raises the
Of a cool collection
Drooled as sections
Of the cake traveled on plates
Across states to mates at fast rates
Mailin' for a rebate
Morning is the new late
For night is when we wake
To party in the wake of the
Apocalyptic rakes
Rakin' up leaves until we stay
To fake
Believe we can make
It a better place for the sake
Of the takers that done tried to take
Wokers finally awake
Tectonic plates
Blend my milkshake
Shakin' up society before I fly away on a drake
Draconian in the make
Ing, spread my wings and make me king
Of this dragon cult thing
I started as a fledgling

To PBS I'll be pledging
All the green that we need to endure the
Edge of the world that's pouring
Theorists and their theories into trashcans
With queries
'Bout the universe
Things could be worse
But how bad will we let it get
Before we decide to make a difference
Until then, I wish you the best bet
Which is stayin' inside tucked into your beddy bed
With teddy Ted givin' TED talks about why it's important, to kill this sickness, imported
By docs that bled and battled tears and sweat
Only to wind up dead
Victims of contaminated led
Metallic conveyer belts of bred
Evolved to ever-increase the threat
I'd say, for now, that's enough said.

Writer(s): Skyler Meany
Lyrics powered by www.musixmatch.com
