Truth is my Foundation

I'm free to fly where Spirit will bring me now
I'm free to go where the winds of life will blow
Across the sky, Spirit will show me how
To spread my wings and rise up with the light

Grandmother Grandfather, Creator
Please hear my prayer
Eternal Ancient Wisdpm
Your essence is everywhere
Guiding me on, into the new
Guiding me on, to what is true

Oh Holy Fire, show me what is real
My heart is burning, there's so much I feel
Illuminate my path, carry me
Into the light of my love
Set me free
I forgive you, I forgive me
I forgive you, I forgive me

Truth is my Foundation, my Spirit Song
Love is the Emanation, and my heart is strong
Beating in time, with the divine
Beating in time, with the divine
Beating in time, with the divine
Beating in time, with the divine cycles of Life
Oooh oooh yeah, cycles of life

And the Morning water is flowing in
Washing over my soul, deep within
Purifying, Reuniting, Making me whole again
Healing my heart, healing my mind
Healing my soul, making me whole again

Hey, Hey Yanna Hey Yo Wey, Yo Wey, Yo Wey
He Ya Wanna Hey Ney Yo Wey Hey Ya Wanna Hey Yo-E No
Sat Nam

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