Vengeance Is Yours

And I saw heaven opened, and behold a white horse
And he that sat upon him was called Faithful and True
And in righteousness he doth judge and make war
His eyes were as a flame of fire
And on his head were many crowns
And he had a name written,that no man knew, but he himself
And he was clothed with a vesture dipped in blood
And his name is called The Word of God

Vengeance is Yours Lord
Vengeance is Yours oh Lord
Vengeance is Yours
Vengeance is Yours
Vengeance is Yours oh Lord

This for the matyrs, the true Christian brothers
Slaugtered for the love of the Father
They reign in heaven above us Lord
This for mothers who suffers through murders
Of their children and lovers
They'll recover for our Father love us
That's Your word
This for the Christians facing persecution
Gruelsome execution
Some are locked in seclusion counted for dead
Lord I pray they're comforted
I'm confident
I pray they're released in victories and peace
Please, I beseech thee
You're the King of kings
I declare retribution on persecutors
Lost in their own confusion
Their conclusion is death
Second death
Forever tormented unless they repent
And confess Jesus is Lord
He's coming to destroy with His sword
Every knee must bow to thou, no doubt
But for now, I'm gazing at the cloud
Praying to you loud
To come down and pound the proud
Come reap with your sickle
Deliver Your people from evil
Burning your steeple

Vengeance is Yours Lord
Vengeance is Yours oh Lord
Vengeance is Yours
Vengeance is Yours
Vengeance is Yours oh Lord

Every knee must bow
Every tongue must confess that Jesus is Lord
The vicious insults we endure because we have His kingdom
And this is assured
The riches and rewards are ours if we stick to His word
Christ will return to repay His enemies
Each for his work
Their hearts is hardened refusing to change
Persecuting your saints
Your wrath is sparkened, Your shoes will be stained
With the blood of the fools who choose to restrain
From the truth You've ordained
They'll lose and You will continue to reign
Your word is sharpened, it won't return to You vain
For Your name we're hard pressed
But not distressed
We're perplexed but not despaired
We are blessed beyond this sphere
The universe harkens as it turns
The sun darkens at Your return
We're not disheartened
We yearn for the Son of Man to come in His glory
For His chosen ones
These goats will burn
It's spoken and it's done
Lord that You're the truth and the way and the life
No one comes to the Father but through Jesus Christ

Vengeance is Yours Lord

Writer(s): Israel Oyelakin
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