No Tucks Freestyle

Hey Graham
What's that
You suck
That's a fact
You don't burn
But I do
Alright, alright, alright, shut up. Listen to me, ay

You don't burn
Yes I do
You don't burn
I burn more than you
No you don't
I clearly do
If you were a blunt, you would not smoke yourself

I've been doing weed since the age of fuckin' three
There is zero chance you smoke more weed than me
But you don't smoke any at all
so there's like a hundred percent of a chance
Listen (okay), watch me do my dance (ay)

Weed dance
doin' the weed dance
Cuz I smoke weed
so I'm doin' the weed dance

You can't weed dance
Show me your weed dance, then
Alright, here is my weed dance
(gotta wait for the beat to... yeah, okay)
Here is my weed dance
weed dance
weed dance
weed dance
weed dance
weed dance
weed dance
Here is my weed dance
weed dance
weed dance
weed dance

I smoke more weed than you
I've been smoking since I was the age of two
You said three earlier, so that's not true
You don't smoke
You are a joke
You fuckin' suck
You don't toke
No blunts
No tucks
You suck

Graham doesn't burn
You don't burn
You've never burned in your life (but I clearly have, January f-)
You suck (January fourth, 1998)
You suck

You don't burn, and you never have
I don't burn? Give me a fat chav
A chav?
That is the new terminology
No it's not
Just hand me the fuckin' weed

Here is the weed
I want the weed
I gave you the weed
Thanks for the weed
Now smoke the weed
I'm gonna get there
It was good

What? You smoked that entire thing in - where did it go?
I may or may not have inhaled it
You inhaled it? Like, like you went "huuuuuh"
and it went down your fucking lungs?
Oh God this fucking hurts, please call emergency services

*Phone ringing*
911, what's your emergency?
Dude, my friend just swallowed a fucking blunt
Does... does he smoke?
No, he doesn't smoke - he doesn't fucking burn at all
Ha ha ha, what a loser
He's so stupid
Ha ha, what's his name, so I can laugh at him?
He's Graham, he doesn't burn
Ha ha ha ha ha ha, Graham doesn't burn, ha ha ha ha ha
Alright, thanks 911
Ha ha, no problem, anytime

Help me

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