Young Mouthbottom (feat. Happyman, Green Monster, Young Mouthbottom & Old Fingerhead)

Young Mouthbottom
Young Mouthbottom
Where are you
We're looking for you
Young Mouthbottom

Young Mouthbottom
Young Mouthbottom
Where are you
We're looking for you
Young Mouthbottom

Over here guys, I'm over here in the square
I am Young Mouthbottom
I'm the greatest fish catcher you will find

We've come to tell you about a catch
The biggest catch you've ever seen
Young Mouthbottom

What's that you say
The biggest catch I've ever seen
I'd like to see that

No you wouldn't
Who said that
I did

Old Fingerhead! Old Fingerhead

Don't you know it's not safe to get near huge fish swarms
You kids must be nuts what's wrong with you

Old Fingerhead we really need your fishing nets
It's the biggest catch of all time
The legend will live for ages and songs will be sung
Songs will be sung

Songs will be sung. Bah! Bah
If I live to hear them it will be because
I didn't follow you crazy kids to certain doom. Bah! Bah
You kids must be nuts what's wrong with you

Young Mouthbottom
Young Mouthbottom
We really need your fishing nets
Young Mouthbottom

I'll do what I can
I'd like to be there
For the biggest catch of all time

The legend will live for ages

I would like to hear songs sung about me

We'll send you word when the time has come
We thank you. Goodbye for now
Young Mouthbottom

Writer(s): Ryan Dorin
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