Here in the Aftermath (No-One Writes "Psych-Ward" in Their Five-Year Plan)

Taking stock photos, taking tally, viewing stroboscope

Defining our terms, and engaging our senses
Probing for boundaries, Wilson Pickett fences
Determining bases, what flavor reality?
Connect common parlance to discover what's left of me

Defining an entity subject to time
As if motion, erratic, conforms to a line
The starting point: then, recalled through to now
Three previous perspectives. I've taken a vow
To complete this proceeding, and where it is leading
I haven't the foggiest; I hope it's revealing

If the aim is forgiveness, then it's my mercy granted
While others freaked out, this freak I offended
The journey's goal: beings boon I intended
But anger and sickness and heartache resulted
I bore the brunt of breakdown and psychosis
Left me shattered in psyche, in body, limp, listless
To whom could I possibly carry a grudge?
Self-inflicted afflictions are mine to be judged

Am I guilty of injury? Or is medicine to blame?
I cannot imagine a party in name
Who, having the details of what's since occurred
Would repeat the actions of scarring incurred
If no-one's to blame, there's no-one to forgive
Metaphysics aside, I'm just left to live

Writer(s): Laura Taylor
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