Cody - OK


I'm not sure if I'll ever win
I'm not sure if I'll fit in
I cry myself to sleep at night
Like a baby who needs love
A baby who needs love

When people ask me if I'm ok
I tell them I'm fine anyway
Cos I don't wanna break in front of
The people that I love
The people that I love

But I'll be fine I guess I'll be ok
Don't concern yourself anyway
Even though I feel like a stormy day
I'll be fine I guess I'll be ok

I'm not going out again tonight
And I think I'll lose my mind
If I have to sit again alone
With a lonely glass of wine
A lonely glass of wine

The tears will come the tears will go
And yet I'm the only one who knows
This feeling down within my heart
That's swallowed up my soul
Swallowed up my soul

But I'll be fine I guess I'll be ok
Don't concern yourself anyway
Even though I feel like a stormy day
I'll be fine I guess I'll be ok

Even though I feel like a stormy day
I'll be fine I guess I'll be ok
I'll be fine I guess I'll be ok
I'll be fine I guess I'll be ok

Writer(s): Cody M Askins
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