The Curse

My eyes were burning
Rain washed down my face and coated my skin
Like slime on a frog's back
It stung. Oh, how it stung!
The water was clear and fresh, but to me it was like acid
Stripping flesh from the bone

I came to in an instant and saw eyes staring - wary
The vision was gone, but the pain...
That burning remained

Is it gone? Is it gone?
Get to your feet or abscond
Is it real? Is it real?
Embrace the pain, accept and yield
This curse is yours forevermore

All this confusion!
Incessant voices and crowds blocked my way
Can't you see the alarm!? It screams like a siren forced to your ear!
They looked on with disdain, the fools
You will be ripped apart! Turn heel and run from this black art!

My hands were withered - strangers' limbs I did not recognise
My body transformed - a hardened husk crackled as I shook

This cannot be real
I clawed at my form and again it was soft, raw
Blood began to run, and crimson dropped to the floor

Is it gone? Is it gone?
Get to your feet or abscond
Is it real? Is it real?
Embrace the pain, accept and yield

I turned to see a ghostly figure
Sand dripped from its eyes and they fixed my soul with a glare
Pain gripped my body and every sinew strained to escape this dark fate

I broke his stare and ran
Frightened faces leapt from my path, as sand whirled up in a storm
The wailing was deafening!
I clasped my ears and stumbled on
The ground streaked with blood
The air thick and bilious
Shadows gripped my neck and I screamed
All was black as the darkness enveloped me
Madness consumes - the blood red moon's release

I looked around and all was lost
It took the grains of sand and slipped away
'Forget your brothers, they are gone' it said
'Sealed in glass 'till the end of days'

Sealed in glass 'till the end of days

Writer(s): Samuel Roberts
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