R.A.C (Rise Above Cancer)

R is for Really missing when times got tougher
A is for Another person that's lost they mother
C I just Can't find another answer
On why you didn't have another chance to Rise Above Cancer
R is for Really missing when times got tougher
A is for Another person that's lost they mother
C I just Can't find another answer
On why you didn't have another chance to Rise Above Cancer

May 27, 2007
Was the day I lost my heart as it went up to heaven
I can't believe it man I just broke down crying
How could I still be strong when everyone relying
On me to stand up and be there for them
But who is standing by my side who was really there standing for me
On the day of her funeral was hardest thing to see
Man I can't believe she's gone how could this be done to me
It wasn't long ago you took that trip to Seattle
Now you in your casket laying after you lost the 4th battle
It started back in the year of 95
I was just born a year before and just happy to be alive
The first time you were diagnosed sent shocks through the fam
We thought it was a joke, we thought it was a scam
But it was really serious
It left us so delirious
Even at the age of one man it had me so curious
If I lost you at that age I would've grown up so furious
And mad at the world Because it took my favorite girl
It would've took my life, put it upside down and spent it so fast
I would've thought it was a tilt-at-whirl
But I was glad to have you here and know that you had beat it
After the first time I thought that the cancer bug was defeated
Then 4 years later it reared its ugly head again
I felt the pain coursing though my soul as the battle begins again
All the different treatments and the times I had to see you sick
Sometimes I wish I could've taken your place so you didn't have to deal with it
From the chemo, to the radiation treatment
You did it all with a smile just to hide your biggest secret
It was worst than the first time, you stood tall as the best
The only way to beat it now was to lose the cancer breast
You went through with the surgery and it was a full success
Man I laid crying at your bedside because I knew I could finally rest
Everything was going good we didn't have to deal with mess
But it all changed a couple year later as we built up more stress
You lost your sister from the lord to the disease you had beat
Seeing my cousin hurt made me step back and take a seat
Just to know he lost his granny the pain I couldn't imagine
All I could do was hug him man we couldn't believe what happened
We battled through that and then times got okay
Man I won't say good but all we could do was pray
That times got better and there was a way to save her
But everything got even worse no more than a couple years later
It came back for a final time and it hit you hard
With the built up pain I had I didn't know where to start
You started losing your hair and the condition got worse
But you still smiled in my face and told me just put god first
I remember the last time I seen you, left your house at 11
I woke up the next morning you were gone at 5:27
Couldn't stand the pain, fell to my knees broke down
Man It feel like a dead silience where you couldn't hear a sound
I've never gotten over it and I probably Never will
But as I move forward in my life, man I know you have my will
You told me I was a king and to never lose my crown
So for Frances Marie Douglas I stay Ten Toes Down
So for Frances Marie Douglas I stay Ten Toes Down

R is for Really missing when times got tougher
A is for Another person that's lost they mother
C I just Can't find another answer
On why you didn't have another chance to Rise Above Cancer
R is for Really missing when times got tougher
A is for Another person that's lost they mother
C I just Can't find another answer
On why you didn't have another chance to Rise Above Cancer

Writer(s): Daniel Bramlett
Lyrics powered by www.musixmatch.com
