It's All About Love

It's all about love
Me loving you and you loving me

We all need one another
Oh yes we do
Don't underestimate the power of love
If you see a sister down help them up
A brother struggling, be their solution
We need to help build a better world
Oh i know, it's easier said than done
But it won't hurt to try

It's all about love
Me loving you and you loving me

All this hating must cease
It doesn't help us anyway
We love material things more than each other
Let's be generous to the poor
And have compassion for the lost
We need to help build a better world
Oh i know, it's easier said than done
But it won't hurt to try

It's all about love
Me loving you and you loving me

In this world we live in
So many of us are controlled by greed and the hunger for power.
As a result, there's so much hatred amongst ourselves.
We forget to treat each other with love and compassion.
If we can just love each other the way God loves us.
We can live in a much better world

It takes love to overcome conflicts
And bring about God's peace

It takes love
Simply love
If we love genuinely
We can overcome conflicts
That's all it takes
That's all it takes
Just give it a try give it a try
It works I know
Trust me I know
Where there is love there's unity in abundance
Just love
Only love

I love you, you love me
We are a happy family
With a great big hug and a kiss from me to you
Won't you say you love me too

Writer(s): Claudina Ramulondi
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