The Journey

I watched four five year old boys have a heated discussion over scooters
Apparently the green one's the best

I listened to them argue and I almost had to step in
But then one of them spotted a butterfly
They saw it and forgot the rest

Set aside their differences in pursuit of a glimpse of something beautiful
Each picked up a scooter didn't even pay attention to the colors anymore
I admire those four

Who even cares how you make the journey
If you can catch up to the thing that you want?
They were so sure that you should try the journey
If you see what you want

Sometimes I wonder what they would've done if the butterfly had let them catch up
Would they have just stared?

Or would they have ripped off its wings?
I highly doubt it but do they even know what they would've done if they had gotten there?

Set aside their differences in pursuit of a glimpse of something beautiful
Each picked up a scooter didn't even pay attention to the colors anymore
I admire those four

Who even cares how you make the journey
If you can catch up to the thing you want?
They were so sure that you should try the journey
If you see what you want

No hesitation, no second thoughts
Just running on instinct, forgot they fought, two seconds ago

Who even cares how you make the journey
If you can catch up to the thing that you want?
They were so sure that you should try the journey
If you see what you want

Some things don't seem, to matter quite as much
When something bigger and better stops by
And lets you see it, just for a second
Like that butterfly

Writer(s): Maya Bode
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