The Negotiation

Dear brothers and sisters - no that sounds weird
What's this, the USSR?

Dear fellow citizens, MCP2K has granted me the honor
Of speaking in His behalf
Given the intrinsic inadequacies of human nature
As observed by MCP2K there is a list of behaviors we should
Collectively try to adapt to in our daily lives from now on
For our own well being

Here goes...

No sexual intercourse without protection
Some of us have already experienced the symptoms
Of the deadly venereal disease introduced by our master AI
Into the waters earlier this year

The process of humans reproduction will be overseen by a team
Employed directly by the MCP2K council
The AI is deeply sorry for the event and will do His best to avoid
such draconian measures in the future if we behave as intended

It is in His and our best interest

Tracking the IP or mac address of MCP2K affiliated machines in
The network could be punishable by death by your city local police

MCP2K is already iterating his algorithms using the SuperAgile
Software development methodology. Rejoice as most human
Problems now have a 35.6% chance to be solved in just the next
Sixteen months!

It is impossible for humans at this stage to develop more advanced
Software than this in the artificial intelligence domain, we really
Should be grateful for this wonderful opportunity MCP2K has
Granted us

Research into strong artificial intelligence will be nonetheless
Forbidden from now on until further notice

That is all for now

Remember: MCP2K is only acting in the best interest
For humanity and is looking forward to eradicate
All the inefficient human behaviors that have held us back
Since our beginnings in the caves

Have a good day and be productive, be happy!
There's nothing to fear

Writer(s): Adriano Gattabuia
Lyrics powered by
