Shallow Graves

Just one
One more dance before the dawn
It comes
To seal your fate
Just one more dance

You bury your dead in shallow graves
To conceal what you have done
You're so ashamed
But every night you hear their desperate cries
They're begging you
They're begging you for...

Just one
One more dance before the dawn
It comes
To seal your fate

Every night you give into their demands
And keep telling yourself, "Just one more dance"
You're dancing with the dead
You're dancing
You're dancing with the dead
So now you're dancing with the dead

Just one
One more dance before the dawn
It comes
To seal your fate
The sun
Will reveal your secret
You run
But you can't hide forever

You run
But you can't hide
You run
But you can't hide

You run
But you can't hide
You run
But you can't hide

This is the message we have heard from Him and proclaim to you
That God is light, and in Him there is no darkness at all
If we say we have fellowship with Him yet we walk in darkness,
We lie and do not practice the truth
But if we walk in the light as He is in the light,
The blood of Jesus cleanses us from all sin

Dance in the light
Don't be afraid
To shine
Don't be afraid

Just one
One more dance before the dawn
It comes
To seal your fate
The sun
Will reveal your secret
You run
But you can't hide forever
Just one more dance

Writer(s): Jared Lacey
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