Paris France

I'm growing tired of waiting my dear
For you to show me you love me
I give you everything, you give me nothing
It's time that I went away

To, Paris France, that's where I'm going
And I'm gonna find a new love
We'll dance all day, make love in the moonlight
And I won't be thinking of you

Je suis lasse d'attendre mon cheri
Que tu me dise que to maime
J'ai tout donne, J'ai rien recu
Il est temps que ju m'en aille, a

Paris, France, c'est la ou jirai
J'en trouverai un autre
On dansera le jour, on faira l'amour sous la lune
Et je ne songerai plus a toi
Paris France is waiting for me

To, Paris France, that's where I'm going
And I'm gonna find a new love
We'll dance all day, make love in the moonlight
And I won't be thinking of you

Writer(s): Debra Peters
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