the girl you call best friend

Hey guys, hey guys
Made it to the hotel
Oh my gosh, there's a photo of me!
Oh, yeah, I put that in
Oh my God, that is so great

She likes her coffee the way she likes her men
Tall and strong, and just the right amount of sweetness
She'll get these random kicks, but just roll with it
I promise you, there's a whole list

So introspective, distracts when she's sad
If she's talking to her camera, it's probably bad
Emotional habits will never outmatch
The way she'll talk to you

Something you should know is she loves the word growth
Smoothies and songs that hit deep
Learning to say no with her heart of gold
Oh, and set six alarms before you sleep

She'll always sleep in
The girl you'll call best friend

Have to look close to see pain in her eyes
And when she's upset, you should just empathize
She believed in storybook love 'til the end
Now please, help her find it again

She laughs when she cries, wipe the tears from her eyes
Be gentle with the things that she missed
Watch someone great, while she quotes the whole thing
Tell her she makes it pass this

She'll always transcend
The girl you'll call best friend

I got four years now, the next four's for you
Send me the pics when her wishes come true
Please, hold her hand when I'm not there to see
Living dreams from when we were sixteen

I love her to death
The girl you call best friend

Writer(s): Aria Rayes
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