
The crowd was the usual mix of hardcore ravers
Friends who got dragged there
Tourists that were lucky enough to find that party
And people with boring jobs who let loose on the weekends

She and I held hands and fought our
Way through the sea of sweaty bodies
The thumping bass synchronizing the beat of our hearts
We started dancing, closed our eyes and let go of each other

Time passed but I don't know how long
I danced and I danced until somebody violently shook me
It was her!
Looking dead scared, sweat pouring out of every pore
And her pupils larger than I've ever seen them

She said she saw death
She saw death and death was after her
She had to catch the next flight back home
To Cyprus so that death couldn't find her, she said

I said she was having a bad trip and needed to calm down
She wouldn't listen, she hugged me goodbye and disappeared!

I needed a glass of water so I headed to the bar
As I ordered I saw a person dressed as the reaper
Next to me looking frazzled and discontented
"Another person with a bad trip", I thought
I couldn't make her calm down but maybe I can help this person!
"Are you okay?", I asked
"I'm alright, I'm just a bit confused here"
"But why?" I asked
"Well, I was supposed to crash a plane
To Cyprus and turn all of the passengers in
But I saw a girl here at the party
And she's not supposed to be here
She's supposed to be on that plane"
And they slammed their glass on the counter
Turned around and walked back into the dancing crowd

Writer(s): Kia Massoudi
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