Little/Big Mind

Woo, Becca asked you out for pancakes
You must be the cutest boy at Michigan State
I can't believe you forgot how many dogs she has
In breath
Don't you miss your tiny Pembroke Welsh Corgi
Uh, she totally reeks though
Out breath
Do you smell like sweat
Well, do you look sweaty
Uh, yeah, I guess you really do
In breath
No, no, his painting doesn't look like that
He's like so good with pastels
Like, Degas good
Out breath

Well why don't you know who Vladimir Kush is
In breath, out breath
No, but like, how does Eric know
In breath, out breath
I need a cigarette

Little Big Mind
Little Big Mind
Little Big Mind
Little Big Mind
Little Big Mind

God, when is this geezer gonna shut it
You're supposed to be at the library by 2:35
In breath
What, is homework more important than talking to Baba
Like, what womb do you think you came out of
Oh wait, never mind
Out breath
Like, who else thinks crap like that
Like, seriously, why are you even here
Even the photography students are smarter
In breath
Like, who here do you actually know
Like know-know
Like know-their-siblings-names know-know
Out breath

Honestly though, what's not to love about you
In breath, out breath
You were kind of an asshole to Professor Herron
In breath, out breath
Wait, since when are the menthols green

Little Big Mind
Little Big Mind
Little Big Mind
Little Big Mind
Little Big Mind

No, she definitely said she only has one dog
Why is she lying to you
In breath
Does she really think your ashtray mouth is sexy
And why does she have to ask if you like painting
You're not good enough

Do you see this guy
He's in love with you
But the freshman destroy you
They won't even talk to you
Out breath
How'd you even get in
Dr. Novak is totally regretting that scholarship
In breath, out breath

It took you eight hours to do what
Everything about you covers all my wrongs
In breath, out breath
In breath, out breath
You're a walking disappointment
I am not my thoughts

Writer(s): Chandler Bogomolny
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