JEE-D - iK


I feel like I'm going under, and I know how it feels
Sometimes I've been wondering, if you set me free
Why you make me feel?
Can you sent me free?
Show me something real!
Am I lonely?
I feel like I'm going under, and I know how it feels
Sometimes I've been wondering, if you set me free

I know how I am
And I know how you are
Don't act such a fool
At least I have my ghost
I know how I am
And I know how you are
Don't act such a fool
At least I have my ghost

Feelings feelings, is love in between?,
Call it fame, I don't want to give a damn
Falling, gossip, gossip gossip way,
I don't want to give a fuck, But you make me feel that way
talk about my body, but you'll never get me started,
I don't wanna give a fuck, but you make me fall apart
Cuz you -

Why do you make me feel?
Can you sent me free?
Show me something real!
Am I lonely?
I feel like I'm going under, and I know how it feels
Sometimes I've been wondering, if you set me free

I know how I am
And I know how you are
Don't act such a fool
At least I have my ghost
I know how I am
And I know how you are
Don't act such a fool
At least I have my ghost

Writer(s): Jéed
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