Mad At God

Spare the bullshit of your saviors love for me
Take thy words and indulge in his misery
Finding out that you're just a lamb of rot
No one cares in this world of god forgot
His belief in us long been said and gone
In our age where there is no fear of god
I forsake you and I hate you holy one
Give us life just to take it when were done

Behead you with the bible
The book of god and failing son
There is no resurrection
For god has left us to Satan
Reach out in desperation
Receive his empty words of love
Revel in man's creation
The light of god has turned to shit

Mad at god for the things he's done to me
For this life of regrets and his agony
In his name I do blame and wish his death
All my life has been pain and nothing else
Curse you god for the life you left me with
Everyday is a fight to want to live
Cross of Christ I despise and hate the lord
Mad at god for the world he has ignored

My life is not religion
Salvation or his bastard son, annihilate the bible
Remove it from this world at once
In total desecration
The house of god has been destroyed
At last the truth will triumph
Free will and blasphamation

I hate you lord, forgot I exist
Resent your ways that will not be forgived
Waller in hatred I blame you for all
Slashing and stabbing your Christians I maul
Mad at god revenge in my heart
Wanting you dead will never depart
When I was born, marked with your cross
Only to suffer and deal with my loss
Dead in my thoughts prey to myself
Not to show mercy for nobody else

I am for me, need not from god
My heart is stone and will never be loved
Mad at god and mad at you
Believing in something that cannot be true
Think for yourself, free from his lies
Trample the cross and smash jesus christ (Die!)
Mad at god!
Mad at god!
Mad at god!
Mad at god!

My life is not religion
Salvation or his bastard son
Annihilate the bible
Remove it from this world at once
In total desecration
The house of god has been destroyed
At last the truth will triumph
Free will and blasphamation won

Writer(s): Glen Michael Benton, Steven Kenneth Asheim
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