How We Are Bound Together

Father in heaven, Father in heaven
How we are bound together
I'm no longer lost
You carry me forever

My lungs expand
Outward from You always
Your manna drips
Your wheat is like the rain

I'm no longer lost
I can let my body grow heavy
Because I feel you carrying me

The world is a tree
Full of creatures
That are made of the leaves
That are that tree, that are that tree

The blood of Jesus wraps around me
The blood of Jesus lives
It fizzes and it boils
The blood of Jesus is the vine

I'm no longer lost
I can let my body grow heavy
Because I feel you carrying me

I'm touched by hands that love me
The blood is the Father's gesture
With Your perfect marble flesh
You hold me close and dear

And we are bound together
By every prayer I said
By every promise
I made to You, I made to You and kept

Writer(s): Nancy Ibsen
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