
If Patience is a virtue you are virtueless
You cut us up in pieces and with never one regret
Expected us to keep on buying what you had to sell
You thought you ruled the world well as far as I can tell
All the times you threw me out and disregarded me
And still i had your back i was so full of loyalty
We served you very well and always joyfully
We tolerated all of your superiority

Now you're just a beggar a beggar in the street
And the only thing you have is the sidewalk neath your feet
Life is such a bitch well it can be so bittersweet
When your name is on the red side of the bankers balance sheet
Your problem's not my problem i paid my dues for you
Don't come running here to me i cannot pull you through
Now the hammer's coming down and there's nothing you can do
The reaper he is here to reap his revenue

Retribution what goes round must comes around
Devastation how does it feel to be knocked down
Resolution it's time to leave the battleground
Destination dust to dust we're all earthbound

To reach out with a helping hand you never had to lend
And others peoples plans you could care less if they caved in
Rightousness and mercy you could never comprehend
Unrelenting hatred there's no way you could defend
You always took me for a fool you never compromised
And now i see you in your rags so terribly despised
As everything just slips away why do you act surprised
That you cannot speak you cannot move you're paralyzed

Things they come and things they go it's always been this way
Sometimes your sins are far too many no way to repay
The debts you owe the lives you lost there's jackles in the street
They lick their lips because they know that soon they all will eat
And if i speak the truth you know i mean no disrespect
Once upon a time these problems you could easily *deflect
Yes the hammer's coming down and there's nothing you can do
The reaper he is here to reap his revenue

Retribution what goes round must comes around
Devastation how does it feel to be knocked down
Resolution it's time to leave the battleground
Destination dust to dust we're all earthbound

Now you've heard the story well it's sad but yes it's true
When you start to crumble from within there's nothing you can do
Sometimes the hardest thing is to know which bridge to cross
To put you're house in order know your profits and your loss
What's done you did so tell me why you feel dissatisfied
The decisions that you made well you cannot brush aside
Yes the hammer's coming down and there's nothing you can do

Retribution what goes round must comes around
Devastation how does it feel to be knocked down
Resolution it's time to leave the battleground
Destination dust to dust we're all earthbound

Writer(s): Joe Sciarrone
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