
What have you said to me?
What have you done?
Things have changed
You don't know how I feel

At first I thought that it would work out
I followed everything you said to me
Because I trusted you and I thought you were doing it
For my own good

Then this happened, changing everything I saw of you
I saw who you really are
I know you're just trying to help
But just please stop
Because it's only making everything worse

What have you said to me?
What have you done?
Things have changed
You don't know how I feel
And you'll never understand so don't keep trying
I'm sorry, but just please go
Away, away, away
Just go
Away, away, away

Every night I see her coming back for me
I see the shadow over me
And you are nowhere to be seen

This has happened, changing everything I saw of you
I see who you really are
I know you're just trying to help
But just please stop
Because it's only making everything worse

What have you said to me?
What have you done?
Things have changed
You don't know how I feel
And you'll never understand so don't keep trying
I'm sorry, but just please go
Away, away, away
Just go
Away, away, away

You have ruined everything
I didn't think that this would ever happen
But what can you expect when you're living the life we're living
Deep down here?
I don't want to see you
I don't want to see you
I'm walking away
In the other direction
It's no use to help me
It's no use to help you
'Cause we're both beyond help
And no one will ever see us again
Like they did before
So just go

What have you said to me?
What have you done?
Things have changed
You don't know how I feel
And you'll never understand so don't keep trying

What have you said to me?
What have you done?
We have changed
You don't know how this feels
And you'll never understand so don't keep trying
I'm sorry, but just please go
Away, away, away
Just go
Away, away, away

Just go
Away, away, away

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