You Matter

It's cold and dark
And you're alone
Tryin to find your way back home
How can you go back
Will they take you back
That's what you ask yourself
You're lonely just tired of suffering
Cause you've been through hell

Is it even worth it
To try and find a friend
You feel like you can't make it
Feel like this is the end
I know you're getting fed up
And you're wearing thin
But baby keep your head up
I can tell you this

You matter
Don't let no one tell you otherwise
Baby you matter
Even with the tears that are in your eyes
You matter
Just keep holding on
You're stronger than you know
Baby don't let go because
You matter

You matter
Don't let no one tell you otherwise
Baby you matter
Even with the tears that are in your eyes
You matter
Just keep holding on
You're stronger than you know
Baby don't let go because
You matter

I've been where you are
I've been in the dark
Trying to find the path to
Who I am in my heart
Feel like the storms kept coming
And the sun would never shine
I know it's hard right now but
Everything will be alright

I've been where you are
I've been in the dark
Trying to find the path to
Who I am in my heart
Feel like the storms kept coming
And the sun would never shine
I know it's hard right now but
Everything will be alright

Just have faith
Keep pushing
Don't give up
Keep moving
Just have faith
You got it
Keep going
You can do it
Just have faith in yourself
Just have faith you will make it
Just have faith

Just have faith
Keep pushing
Don't give up
Keep moving
Just have faith
You got it
Keep going
You can do it
Just have faith in yourself
Just have faith you will make it
Just have faith

Just have faith
Keep pushing
Don't give up
Keep moving
Just have faith
You got it
Keep going
You can do it
Just have faith in yourself
Just have faith you will make it
Just have faith

Writer(s): Nakessa Fields
Lyrics powered by
