HAHA (華興)

Now music biz is fucked up
Ya just like your hair cut
All my boys gon put up
Cuz now we gon fuck some shit up
Bitches shut the fucked up
She do what I said thats what's up
1942 we drink up
Now music biz is fucked up
Ya just like your hair cut
All my boys gon put up
Cuz now we gon fuck some shit up
Bitches shut the fucked up
She do what I said thats what's up 1942 we drink up
我以前 feel so lonely 遷就於大環境
還不會得到同意 我現在 Big Shit popping only
創造大數據 管你同不同意 進賬是陸續
I Know 沒你的多 08是獨立 不被框架勒索
敵人全樹立 我名單好多人頭 幹你娘雞掰
畢竟我深愛過 深愛過 深入體會 起起落落
(KIKILOLO) 這個game 為了錢 為了fame
Shout out to KIKI & LOLO 圈子像披薩
I want a piece huh IM a Ninja Turtle
越活越年輕 他媽班傑明 living like YOLO
你阿嬤是智障 專門都生呸仔 娘砲做的shit
拜託不要打我電話 別發公關票
林北沒興趣 肏了 一堆小朋友
看我很高興 不要 機 會 我要你哭
唱一堆屁 粉絲都豬 沒屌的 慣性來 裝逼我
誒又 只好來打破頭 你是個 過氣的 老豬頭 唬
妄想有處女膜 喬喬我 全新的態 度 woo 真的太酷
Now music biz is fucked up
Ya just like your hair cut
All my boys gon put up
Cuz now we gon fuck some shit up
Bitches shut the fucked up
She do what I said thats what's up 1942 we drink up
我的兄弟都是蛇 其他的人poser, dey aint drip enuf
歡迎光臨我的hood 身旁都是惡棍
千萬別碰 髮型像梅杜莎
台下的歡呼聲太大 聽不見你在講話
Everything litty, I love when it's hot
熱得像火焰在燒 融化了幾千美刀 疊起來好幾層高
沒有偶包 彷彿地球 在圍著我繞 鈔票在追著我跑
現在才覺得我好 你的煩惱我都瞭
繼續的running ya mouth
看我在chasing the clout, wow!
這麼爛的deal我不簽 這麼懶的公司不屑
怎麼怪我太多主見 Wanna touch my shit
請你付錢 他們全都說我沒有救
圈子太醜陋 Wanna be rich
就要打假球 but i just wanna pay my bills
Sell my soul 這種破事已經幹過
靠著自己不再犯錯 See my squad
我的團隊一起戰鬥 我不犯人誰敢犯我
Nickthereal Sowut Asiaboy 蛋頭 一個就夠讓你顫抖
就看看我 看著自己月賺幾十萬 要幹 我自己幹 讚啦
Now music biz is fucked up
Ya just like your hair cut
All my boys gon put up
Cuz now we gon fuck some shit up
Bitches shut the fucked up
She do what I said thats what's up 1942 we drink up
I don't need no introduction boy 他們自然 pay attention boy
我有太多的 ambition boy
我太多太多 vision boy
他們老說這樣不行 但他們說的話我不聽
So You and me we on the mission
They fuck up your dreams
Fuck up the plan, they fuck up your bands
發生了幾遍 They don't understand, we not the same!
We not the same Fuck that shit, Lame!
Fuck Fuck That shit, Lame!
Fuck Fuck That shit, Lame!
Fuck Fuck That shit
Now music biz is fucked up
Ya just like your hair cut
All my boys gon put up
Cuz now we gon fuck some shit up
Bitches shut the fucked up
She do what I said thats what's up 1942 we drink up

Writer(s): Dan Tou, Jun Shuo Lou, Tang Hao Nick Zhou, Song Hua Li, Asiaboy
Lyrics powered by www.musixmatch.com
