Forwards to Ruin

Forwards, to Ruin!
Push onwards, to Ruin!

Even when your nation lies smashed, its forces decimated
Ignoring the voices of reason, this is why you've failed

Forwards, onwards, to Ruin!
Forwards, onwards, to our nation's demise!

Agendas, based on lies and corporate(d) studies
Campaigns, biased perverted versions of truth
Subjects sent forth regardless, of their personal safety
Spreading dissent, from your crooked, forked tongued pedestal

Forwards, onwards, to Ruin!
Forwards, push onwards, to our nation's demise!

Misguided pleas, desperate appeals made unto the masses
Would you trust the flock if the shepherds slain?
What's your fucking job then? Who do you govern?
Leaders by position only, sycophants by trade

Forwards, onwards, to Ruin!
Forwards, onwards, to our nation's demise!

With Ate by your side, stamp down the heads of men
Bringing us all closer to ruin with every stride
Vultures circle above us in anticipation
You remain oblivious to our demise

Writer(s): Graeme Martin
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