
Hey you - yeah you
Please pay attention to what I'm talking about
I've told you many times to stand your ground
Don't make a false move or you're done

I told you once aloud
This benefit of doubt now
Take care, respect in the air
Safe travels across to spare

I'll prohibit any further disobedience
For the sake of everybody's health expedient
Insubordination, nobody takes action without permission (了解?)
Correct, totally sir, 100% for sure

Characters evolve in episodic travels
Denoting revealing factors intriguing event unravels
Movement ever so but get yourself to go
And explain through a framework the key idea

Keep the spirits up and happily flowing streams, luscious greened grass
For all the while events occur over extensive progression
Set your mind to it and push through the pass
I believe the power of succession lasts

I'll prohibit any further disobedience
For the sake of everybody's health with speed expedient
Insubordination, nobody takes action without permission (理解する?)
Correct, totally sir, 100% for sure

Hold off, please understand
I will not allow any more
I n s u b o r d i n a t i o n

As the fog clears and you're stuck at a standstill
Take a deep breath in the deep end don't lose it all
Time's can be tough but there's so much opportunity
Get through certain portions now to experience extremities

Exchange the tradeoff inspiring
Redundancy may be surface-level and tiring
However repetition helps nail the ideas in and make an easier
Mantra to follow for mental well-being of yourself

Perfectly normal to feel down
Just understand how to pick yourself up from the ground
Perfectly normal to feel not-sound
Understand how to relieve is key

I'll prohibit any further disobedience
For the sake of everybody's health expedient
Insubordination, nobody takes action without permission (¿Entender?)
Correct, totally sir, 100% for sure

I will not allow (understand)
I will not allow (understand)

Writer(s): Tyler Liu
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