Genealogy of Revolution

I was one person
Who had an idea
Who made it words
And someone heard
Someone heard

I was one person
Who had an idea
Who made it words
And someone heard
Someone heard

Someone heard and took my words
Someone heard and took my words
And made them theirs
And made them theirs

We stepped outside and had a smoke
I felt a kinship as we spoke
Of thoughts we shared
Of thoughts we shared

He told his brothers I told mine
And what was two turned into nine
We sat to eat
We sat to eat

I loved my angry family
At dawn outside the factory
Was when we'd meet
When we'd meet

I was one person
Who had an idea
Who made it words
And someone heard
Someone heard

We put our words on poster board
And stood outside the iron door
On tired feet
Blocking the street

The workers came a hundred strong
We learned a chant we sang a song
When I am free (when I am free)
We all will be (we all will be)

Soldiers with their loaded guns
Pulled up and shot us one by one
My brothers died
And so did I

I died and then I travelled on
I saw the riots in Helwan
I know the cry (I know the cry)
I know the cry (I know the cry)

I was one person
Who had an idea
Who made it words
And someone heard
Someone heard

And then I reached the city
Enrolled in University
My words of rage
Were on a page

I logged on to the internet
I wrote my words and they were met
With roaring sound
And shaking ground

I held a cellphone in my veil
I told my sister we could fail
Come anyway (come anyway)
Come anyway (come anyway)

Go to the square
Go to the square
You'll know the words when you are there
And know that millions come from thousands
Know that thousands come from hundreds
Know that hundreds come from two
Which comes from one person
Who had an idea (who had an idea)
Who made it words (who made it words)
And someone heard (someone heard)
Someone heard

Writer(s): Daniel Lazour
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