Make It Beautiful

Without that beauty, there's no call to a higher being
You know and this is also why I've mentioned
To people that they should clean up their rooms
That's become quite the internet meme
But I'm really serious about it
'Cause it's really hard to do that
It isn't just that you clean it up
You also make it beautiful

Make it beautiful
Make it beautiful
Make it beautiful
Make it – Make it beautiful
Make it beautiful
It's really hard to make something beautiful
Make it beautiful
And it's really worthwhile
Make it beautiful
It's really hard to make something beautiful
Make it beautiful
And it's really worthwhile

What's really cool is if you learn to
Make something beautiful
Even one thing if you could just make
One thing in your life beautiful
Then you've established a relationship with beauty
And then you can start to expand that relationship
With beauty out into the world
Like into other elements of your life
And that is so worthwhile
It's just incredibly crazily worthwhile

Make it beautiful
Make it beautiful
Make it beautiful
Make it – Make it beautiful
Make it beautiful
It's really hard to make something beautiful
Make it beautiful
And it's really worthwhile
Make it beautiful
It's really hard to make something beautiful
Make it beautiful
And it's really worthwhile

People are terrified of it, people are terrified of color
They paint their walls beige, they're terrified of art
They buy some mass-produced thing because they
Don't want anybody laughing at them for their lack of taste
And they would get laughed at because they have no taste
But you have to
Well, it's right!
Because what do you know, right?
You have to develop it
And so you're gonna stumble along
And make mistakes to begin with
And you're gonna show yourself
'Cause if you're like, "Oh, I think this is pretty."
And you know, somebody comes over and goes
"Eh, what's up with you?"
It's kind of hard on your self-esteem
But you're stumbling towards the right
You're stumbling towards
The kingdom of God
That's what you're stumbling towards
When you try to make an aesthetic decision

Make it beautiful
Make it beautiful
Make it beautiful
Make it – Make it beautiful
Make it beautiful
It's really hard to make something beautiful
Make it beautiful
And it's really worthwhile
Make it beautiful
It's really hard to make something beautiful
Make it beautiful
And it's really worthwhile

Beauty is absolutely terrifying to people, 'cause beauty
Beauty highlights what's ugly
And so if you start to make your room beautiful
Than everything around that isn't like that
Just starts to glow in the worst sense
It's terribly dangerous, that's why people are afraid of beauty
But it's the greatest thing you can do
Beautiful things are beautiful for a reason
That beauty has depth, like it's real depth, man!
That's what gets you in touch with
The transcendent and the divine is beauty
You introduce that into your room
You're playing with fire
And people will resist it

Make it beautiful
Make it beautiful
Make it beautiful
Make it – Make it beautiful
Make it beautiful
It's really hard to make something beautiful
Make it beautiful
And it's really worthwhile
Make it beautiful
It's really hard to make something beautiful
Make it beautiful
And it's really worthwhile

I was in this museum a while back
It was full of these paintings from the late renaissance
It was like a dozen of them in this one room
Every painting on that wall was worth $300 million, like minimum
You couldn't buy those paintings like
There were like a dozen of them in there
I thought, "Wow, there's like $3.6 billion
Worth of paintings in this room"
And people are making pilgrimages
From all over the world just to look at them
It's like, what the hell is going on?
Like yeah, no kidding
What the hell is going on?
There's beauty in those paintings
There's beauty and it's magnificent
And part of what it does is say you aren't
Who you should be, that's what beauty does to you
That's why you're intimidated by a beautiful woman
A staggeringly beautiful woman, it's like, "Oh my God!"
You know, attracted for sure but definitely intimidated
It's like, well that's because you aren't who you could be
Beauty does that to you because beauty has that contrast

Oh, what a glories thing, waking up in the morning baby
Oh, what a glories thing, we get to have the whole day, hey!
Oh, what a glories thing, waking up in the morning baby
Oh, what a glories thing, we get to have the whole day
Oh, what a glories thing, waking up in the morning baby
Oh, what a glories thing, we get to have the whole day, hey!
Oh, what a glories thing, waking up in the morning baby
Oh, what a glories thing, we get to have the whole day

Writer(s): Adam Narkiewicz
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