Twined Towers

Waif and Pardoner
Two babels in arms.
I, Shiva, in her winds,
Twitch like a cur-tongue.
The last twitch, flickers
of desire.
The trysts and turns.
The burden of the body bodes
Of sin new and vain tangle;
Of sole trades for slave salve.

A Medean archetypecaste
Combing a serpent's coils,
Six slit cysts
On its wrists,
Finds fractured footholds
And climbs up my spine.
Kick ensnared
Grown from gravedirt.
A deimondess.
Flips faces like a coin.

Umbillically wound wound-wise.
Noosed, lowered then loosed.
Waxed and waning, a lunatic skull.

Syllables of name
Drop like stones
From the mouth.

Waxed and waning, a lunatic skull.
Its tidal pulls of uterine brine.
Kalipha Kaligulant:
A man's true blood.
Sixual Demiurge.
God in four letters.

God in four letters.

Writer(s): Timothy Pope, Erik Miehs
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