My Black

Sometimes I wonder what would happen
Had Shirley Chisholm become the president
Man, if X was still alive, if MLK was still alive
Fred Hampton, Huey P
How would we as a people be?
Would we walk a little taller?
Stand our ground a little firmer?
Raise our fists a little higher?
Own our skin a little prouder?
Be unapologetic in our power?
Hold our fam a lil' tighter?
Create futures a lil' brighter
For the youth?
Would we own and speak the truth
As it's been delivered by the
Griots of our history?
Not a Media dedicated to our
Deconstruction and misery
Would we love a little deeper?
Create bonds a little stronger?
Brotherhood and Sisterhood
It takes a village to right wrongs of
All the transgressions that have
Stood against our being
And yeah they stand against our being
But would we do our best to fight
When the high of this feeling's fleeting?

Would we do our best to fight
When the high of this feeling's fleeting?

Would we do our best to fight
When the high of this feeling's fleeting?

I pray amidst the confusion we find the meaning...

So we can put in practice
The reshaping of our world
That's been shaken off its axis
A deep seated celebration of our Blackness
Seems to been the only element
Standin' in the way of peaceful and equitable coexistence
But through this innerstanding of our
Generational withstanding
It serves no purpose
To negotiate with racists
To draft treaties with domestic terrorists
To break bread with maniacal
Genocidal, sociopathic, willfully ignorant
Narcissistic bigots wagin' war on our pigments
Psychologically and biologically
Designers of social dichotomy
Now, I don't know about you
But I will NOT be treated like an anomaly
For loving me and those who look like me
And stand in kind
We've long been out our minds
Feelin' we're out of time
But trust that healing and freedom is on the line

Trust that healing and freedom is on the line
Trust that healing and freedom is on the line
Trust that healing and freedom is on the line
So grab on, please hold it, and never let it go
So grab on, please hold it, and never let it go
So grab on, please hold it, and never let it go
Stay awakenin' 'cause it's a long road to woke...

The power is in the journey
Not so much the destination...
But, DO have one!
The WHY will emphatically inform the HOW
The WHEN is now
The WHO is us
The WHERE is here
And the WHAT... Is always in our hands

So stand up
Freedom is in our hands, so stand up
Freedom is in our hands, so stand up
We have everything that we should stand for
Why do I say that you ask? Well...
'Cause My Black is Beautiful
My Black is Beautiful
My Black is Beautiful
My Black is Beautiful
My Black is Beautiful

Writer(s): Colin Lawton
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