Diamonds Made of Gold (feat. Tiana Rose)

Lost soul in this world Never lost her soul
Not concerned about her a status
Apocolypto she so savage
Nevertheless it's just a habit
Nothing basic, not ya average
For anybody asking
That's A Diamond made of Gold

Deeper I exploreeeeeer
Mine crafting I uncovered
Pressure made her a diamond
Purer than the Platinum
Natural her mold Sculpted from the earth
Been through the mud came from the mud

That's A Diamond Made of Gold
That's what I told her
Raw love is what I showed her
Different stories Same existence
Once you start It's how ya finish
Only secret to this winning
Every ending new beginning
Pain means ya living Why it got be that way

Diamonds made of Goooollllld
Are you A Diamond made of Golddddddd
Diamonds made of Gold

In the world a lost soul That Never lost ya soul
This hell can be so cold
Made out of pressure
Purer than platinum For anybody asking
You A Diamond made of Gold

Diamond made of gollllllddddd
Lost soul in this world never lost My soul
Not concerned about ya status
Apocolypto I'm so savage
Nevertheless it's just a habit
Nothing basic, not ya average
For anybody asking
I'm A Diamond made of Gold

A Diamond made of Gold
You know it comes from the bottom
It's all dark and dusty
But then it turns itself into Something beautiful and bright
That everybody want and it just came
From the earth from that pressure
Pressure don't fold you it makes you
And gold is the purest form

Once ya heart has been shattered
Torn, broken, scattered
Served on the platter
All that really matters
Are you a Diamond made of Goldddddd

A Diamond made of Golddddd DDDDiamond made of Gold
Under pressure never fold Heavy is the load
Weight of the world on your shoulders
Let it goooooo. let it gooooooooo
Let it Goooo Let it Goooo

Lost soul in this world never lost your soul
Not concerned about a status
Apocolypto you so savage
Nevertheless it's just a habit
Nothing basic, not ya average
For anybody asking You Diamond made of Gold

Diamonds made of Gold
Are you A Diamond Golddddddd
Diamonds made of Gold in the world a lost soul
That Never lost ya soul
This hell can be so cold
Made out of pressure Purer than platinum
For anybody asking
Thats A Diamond made of Goldddddddd
A Diamond made of gollllllddddd
A Diamond made of Golllllddddd
A Diamond made of Gold
Are you A Diamond made of Gold
Diamond Made of Diamonds Made of
Diamonds Made of Gold

Writer(s): Masada Ellis, Samuel Buckner, Tiana Templin
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