Born to Us

Let the King be born to us!
He who is THE LORD our Righteousness
Send us David's Son
Your Anointed One
Let the King be born to us

His story was told from the very beginning
When darkness filled the earth in the times of old
It was empty and void, there was nothing in it
Then God said, "let there be light!"
Darkness had to flee when Christ appeared
The Word, Image, Angel of the Lord
Breathed His life into clay and He made man
To live, obey, in His presence to stand,
Then a vile intruder told a vicious lie,
"Did your Father really say that you will surely die?"
They fell for the trap, and fell down fast
But there was hope in the baby to be born!

Let the King be born to us!
He who is THE LORD our Righteousness
Send us David's Son
Your Anointed One
Let the King be born to us

Where is the Saviour? Where is the Son?
Is it Moses? Has redemption come?
He was made to be like God to Pharaoh
Made to be the captives hero
Made a way right through the sea
By the power of God set the prisoners free
But the people rebel and Moses too
Break the ten commands, so then tell me who
Is the prophet and priest I should listen to?
Is the One to tear the tabernacle's veil in two?
Is the Lamb of God who will sin undo?
Still Lord, we're waiting for you!

Let the King be born to us!
He who is THE LORD our Righteousness
Send us David's Son
Your Anointed One
Let the King be born to us

The son of Jesse, Samuel anointed
The Shepherd King, that God appointed
He fell Goliath with sling and stone
In Jerusalem, sat upon the throne
David, the psalmist and conqueror
Could he be the one to redeem the poor?
Yet, in temptation he's just like us
He sinned, rebelled, deserved the cross
But he, repented and God decreed
This one who struck a lion to protect his lamb
From him would come One who is Lion and Lamb
The Greater Temple and Eternal King,
Lord, your people, we sing:

Let the King be born to us!
He who is THE LORD our Righteousness
Send us David's Son
Your Anointed One
Let the King be born to us

We yearn for the day, when time is due
Angels are longing to know this too
When and where will he be born
What is calling? What will he be called?
Isaiah has answers and prophesies
Of the one to come into the world
His name shall be called Emmanuel
Among his people he'll humbly dwell
Wonderful counsellor, Mighty God
Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace
Man of Sorrows, Arm of the Lord
The tender shoot, the Holy seed,
God's servant,
The one that we need!

Let the King be born to us!
He who is THE LORD our Righteousness
Send us David's Son
Your Anointed One
Let the King be born to us

Then into the dark of silent night
God speaks again "let there be light!"
His Word arrives but now in flesh
To take our curse, that we'd be blessed
For in Bethlehem is born to us
The One in whom our Fathers had placed their trust
He has a name and it's Jesus!
We have seen the God who also sees us
Peace on earth and peace with God
It's been the plan from the very start
For our sins He died, now He lives and reigns
And soon He is coming again!

Let the King return to us!
He who is THE LORD our Righteousness
Send us David's Son
Come Lord Jesus come!
Let the King return to us! (to us)
Send us David's Son
Come Lord Jesus come!
Let the King return to us!

Writer(s): Samuel David Smith
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