
Just think
Take a look around
It's time to understand why we've got so far

Take your time
Taste the breeze around you
Restore the memory of your native ground

And walk
To shake the daily balance
And dissociate yourself from the opinion less

How loud the sound of aphasia can be
On a journey with no destination

Now run
"You got no choice" the media say
It's the dead-end track of trending ideologies

To be radically different
And tie again the wires of identity

Anywhere they build
Their Standardization of opinions
Flattening of emotions

Whenever they destroy
Keep persevering now
The rest will follow

I'm here, with my conception
And I'm a stranger in the native land
Homeless in a foreign one

Here, with no direction
I'm trapped within this frame
Full of woodworms and naphthalene

Here, this Cybercircus
A neofeudal constitutional
Architecture camouflage

I'm here, with my conception
And I'm a stranger in the native land
Homeless in a foreign one

Here, this Cybercircus
A neofeudal constitutional
Architecture camouflage

Writer(s): Vito Fresiello
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