
Every single day
I go in a trance
Thinking of the past
Like a second glance
I romanticize
Each and every part
Cover my canvas in glitter
To make some beautiful Art
But the reality
Usually comes creeping in
The past wasn't all perfect
And I'm glad it wasn't
Cause I can separate
The good times from the worst
To know each memory's weight
And how much they were worth

So I wrote this memoir for nostalgia's sake
I love each and every one of you
Cause I can't hate
I see the good in people
Maybe to a fault
Thank you for every memory
I loved them all

I reflect each day
To learn from the past
It's not like I try
It just happens at
Some peculiar times
I get so deep in thought
Thankful for what I've gained
But not forgetting what's lost
And to every new friend
I'm glad you're in my life
You're all inspiring people
And we think alike
And to my long lasting friends
You know I love ya more
I hope I say it enough
Cause that's what friends are for

This memoir documents the love I've given
But even more importantly
The love I've received
And how the past continues
Changing me into who I am meant to be
What sweet relief
Knowing I'm a better me

I'm so grateful for
Every memory made
Each experience
Had a part to play
In me growing up
I'm still growing now
And I'm loving it
Like roots I'm branching out
And like a tree I'm strong
And aging every day
This was scary at first
But what grows must decay
And every second I grow
Just means more lessons for me
Even if some cause pain
This growth is evergreen

Writer(s): Dylan Sneddon
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