Granny Hillbane

Granny please help me I think I'm cursed
Everything I do turns out for the worst
Look in your magic fire of truth
How do I break this spell? Tell me what to do!
She threw herbs on the hearth peered deep in the flames and said

Whom-by-ya wicki-wicka, whom-by-yo
Ucka-chucka-chucka, bobba-doo

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! You ain't cursed, young man!
Not a darn sight more than me
You're just poor with no opportunities
And there's no spell that can remedy that, not even

Whom-by-ya wicki-wicka, whom-by-yo
Ucka-chucka-chucka, bobba-doo

There must be something you can do
I don't want my son to have my life
I can't fix being poor, and I hate to be terse
But it'd be much easier to give you a curse
'Cause you know things can always get worse

Whom-by-ya wicki-wicka, whom-by-yo
Ucka-chucka-chucka, bobba-doo
Whom-by-ya wicki-wicka, whom-by-yo
Ucka-chucka-chucka, bobba-doo

What you need is get out of town
Go to a city, get a new wife
But I've got no money and no place to go
At least here I can lead a simple life

And why would I want you to give me a curse?
If you wanted to be poor, the curse could reverse
What you want and what you get would switch
You wouldn't be happy you'd be sad and rich
Which is one might better than sad and poor, I said

Whom-by-ya wicki-wicka, whom-by-yo
Ucka-chucka-chucka, bobba-doo
Whom-by-ya wicki-wicka, whom-by-yo
Ucka-chucka-chucka, bobba-doo

And why would I want to be poor?
That don't make one lick of sense
But thanks for trying all the same
There's got to be a better answer than this
I'm going home now but I'll be back when I need some

Whom-by-ya wicki-wicka, whom-by-yo
Ucka-chucka-chucka, bobba-doo
Whom-by-ya wicki-wicka, whom-by-yo
Ucka-chucka-chucka, bobba-doo

Writer(s): Christopher Alan Broski, Michael John Snyder-barker
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