
It's written he said
I am the way, the truth and the life
Is it only he
Or can anyone see the light
Well, maybe this is the message
He tried to send
I am is you are
And we'll be one in the end
Another refugee
Is washed upon the shore
From where he came
The waves don't say any more
In a hard world
The cogs they just don't bend
He swears on his dreams
He'll make it in the end
By night and day
He works and schemes and runs
The sweat drips down
Deadens the marching drum
And after a while
It's just easier to pretend
He'll find his happy home
Somewhere in the end
All the wishes he keeps
They line his face
They weigh him down
Such is the fall from grace
But it's all he's got
And there's nothing to defend
If they don't come true
They'll come true in the end
Ah love oh love
Such a beautiful escape
The special smile
Your own private lake
And you don't really care
How deep you descend
When you'd rather drown
Than see the water's end
The painter paints
In the colours of his mind
The singer sings
When she steps out of time
And just a moment
A moment's peace can fend
The bitter taste
Of what waits in the end
Understanding comes
Like a virgin birth
That truth must be
The subtlest thing on earth
But there's no time for visions
Got these masks to mend
He's going to keep on fighting
Until the end
In the evening you can see him
Walk along the beach
The waves whisper something
Something just out of reach
His tears to him
Are the honesty of a friend
We're living in the always
We're not living in the end

Writer(s): Waldo Knight
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