Me, Myself, And Eye

Chasing Wonder – Ch 16 – Me, Myself, and Eye

Hey, hey, hey squid
Look at me, look at me!
Hey, hey, hey squid
Look at me, look at me!

I'll devour the goodness in you
Because there's no goodness in me
I'll devour the goodness in you
Because I'm evil, as evil can possibly be

I'm Vidi Vidi, I'm here to carry out my plan
I came to eat Wonder, but I'm stuck in the sand
Underneath Twain the turtle
I can't move a muscle
I've got my eye on Squid Pro Quo
Can't seem to get his attention though

I devoured that stinky Rattail Ronny, in a single snap
If I can just get the squid's attention
I'll devour that little oyster in the red cap
Got to get out of the sandy mess I'm in
Got to commit the sin
I'm Vidi Vidi, got to carry out my plan

I'll devour the goodness in you
Because there's no goodness in me
I'll devour the goodness in you
Because I'm evil, as evil can possibly be

I am Vidi Vidi, I've been evil all my life
All the way back to the beginning
Of my miserable life!
Could I have been different?
Turned out a different way?
It doesn't matter, only what I do today

In the beginning, I was deprived of love
Taught to hate and destroy and not to love
My parents were killers, and I'll kill until someone stops me
I must devour, all the goodness in the sea

I'll devour the goodness in you
Because there's no goodness in me
I'll devour the goodness in you
Because I'm evil, as evil can possibly be

Chasing Wonder – Ch 16 – Me, Myself, and Eye

Internal conflict's bad for one's health
So Vidi invariably agreed with himself
Because certainty always made him feel strong
Essential, with Twain on his back for so long
Of course, strong and right aren't always the same
And Vidi always cheated to win the game

The sawfish had no rules or reservations
No guilt, no worry about eating crustaceans
Or eating anything else, for that matter
As nothing tastes worse than a mouthful of ratter
Though swallowing Ronnie made Vidi briefly content
His belly gurgled and emitted an awful scent

At the same time, Wonder was full of pleasure
The opposite of Vidi, by every measure
Wonder embraced the essence of Love and Truth
Vidi embodied the very worst of uncouth
Wonder had friends and ideas... even dreams
Vidi had only anger and hate, it seems

Vidi, as you know, thought only of Vidi
His every choice reconfirmed he was greedy
He didn't care if he ever had friends
He never considered making amends
Vidi had no conscience at all and would never
He lied and cheated in every endeavor

The total losers from all Seven Seas
Clung to Vidi like germs to disease
Nasty creatures with spiteful faces
That dwelled in foul holes where all ocean waste is
The disgraceful, despicable, the disgusting too
Responded to Vidi like fever to flu

But Vidi couldn't get Squid Pro Quo's attention
It seemed like an act of defiant intention
Or maybe, Vidi thought, he doesn't know I'm here
"Under this turtle, even though I'm so near"
Though Vidi could see him, in his (eight) arm-chair
The squid still appeared to be unaware

Vidi needed to alert the squid—Hellōōōō!?
Without letting Twain, still atop him, know
But he couldn't yell or raise his tail, high
So, he just lay there, wildly batting an eye
As only one eye was above the sand
Things just weren't going as Vidi had planned

"Look over here" his eye was silently screaming
"Here!" But the squid was oblivious to Vidi's scheming
"You owe me, and it's time to collect
Don't act now like you don't recollect
Hurry; use those tentacles you're sitting on
Eight arms provide you with plenty of brawn"

"C'mon, get this turtle off me before it's too late
I'm squished under here and I can't take the wait
And don't think for a second you can break our deal
Try that and, you'll see, I'll make you my meal"
But nothing happened, nothing at all
The squid didn't answer Vidi's eye (phone) call

The squid hadn't noticed Vidi's eye, enraged
His mind was elsewhere, disengaged
He'd seen the sawfish only that one time
Way back in Chapter 7 of this rhyme
But their deal—their long-ago quid pro quo
Had changed the squid, in ways you should know

Since then many things had occurred
Good and bad were sometimes blurred
What once were the honored skills of negotiation
He'd honed more and more for manipulation
He purposely contrived to do a favor for you
So you would owe him a favor or two

Recall that fateful day with Wonder
When the currents dragged the oyster under
Trapping him tight between the rocks
After all those back-and-forth hard knocks
And the squid suddenly appeared, to extricate him
It was a gambit, in fact, to manipulate him

Surreptitiously, the squid would set a harmless trap
Unsuspiciously, he'd arrive on the scene in a snap
To rescue the victim unwittingly caught
And then make the deal he'd all along sought
The same trick he'd played on Wonder
A quid pro quo and a two-for-one-r

So many sea creatures now owed the squid favors
In return for all his made-up life savers
That he spent most of his trickster days
Collecting the fruits of his devious ways
But over time even sweet fruit will turn sour
And the time was now ripe, the squid's reckoning hour

Writer(s): David Melton, Greg Lewis
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