Follow Follow

Online nation
Listening to a K-O-L
Calling your attention to the latest intel
That's not what he meant to say
Always will remember what you said today

(TikTok, Twitter
TikTok, Telegram
TikTok, Twitter)
(Twitch, Twitch) We're the followers

(MeWe, Meetup
MeWe, Meetup
MeWe, Meetup) clicking on the button
(Reddit, Reddit) 'cause it's all we know

(LINE, Signal
LINE, Vimeo
LINE, Signal)
(Reddit, Reddit) we're the followed

(Zoom, Zoom, Zoom) it's amazing
(Zoom) four in the morning and I have to go

(Follow! Follow!) Everybody knows
Where you went for dinner last night
(Follow! Follow!) Everybody knows that
He and she did break up, and he didn't really put up a fight
(Follow! Follow!) Everybody needs
Another tagging on their Instagram

(Follow! Follow!)
We're the followers
(Follow! Follow!)
Clicking on the button 'cause it's all we know
(Follow! Follow!)
We're the followed
(Follow! Follow!)
Get another screen so we can Skype our show

Social media
Forcing you to pick a side
Hard to beat ya
Haters always telling you what they dislike

(Follow! Follow!) Influencers using
Clubhouse more than TV screens
(Follow! Follow!) Hopping room to room
Checking out the latest news, COVID and vaccines
(Follow! Follow!) We're the strangers
Writing lots of stupid comments on the tweets
(Follow! Follow!) We don't even know that
We've just met each other on the street

(Follow! Follow!)
We're the followers
(Follow! Follow!)
Clicking on the button 'cause it's all we know
(Follow! Follow!)
We're the followed
(Follow! Follow!)
Gonna check out LinkedIn 'til it's time to go

Just one more quick look
You're on the hook
Hashtag Facebook

(Follow! Follow!) Start the revolution
Don't call me, just text me on WhatsApp
(Follow! Follow!) It's an evolution
Posing for the camera, then you're post it on Snapchat
(Follow! Follow!) Everybody knows that
YouTube is the source of D-I-Y
(Follow! Follow!) Everybody knows that
If we had no Google, we would die

(Follow! Follow!)

Writer(s): Cho Tak Lau, Hei Yung Tammi Ng
Lyrics powered by
