"Death has now become a multi-billion dollar industry"
"Today, a person can choose their style of wardrobe"
"And in which manner they want to be secured for their eternal rest"
"Shopping for a casket is similar to buying a car"
"The more money you pay, the more lavish your coffin will appear"

"Damn dawg, we've been walking for a fucking minute, huh?"
"For fucking real man!"
"Where are we?"
"Shit, uh, why don't we ask that fool right there?"
"Ay big man, where are we?"
"It seems you have been evicted from the land of the living"
"Ah shit. Me, him, us, we're dead?"
"Yes, what my friend here is trying to say is you are no longer alive"
"Chicken and fries"
"Oh, so you rap too, huh?"

"Alright, what are the rules?"
"If you fail to ascend the Pyramid, your souls will remain here for eternity..."

Writer(s): Joe Ramirez
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