Let's Move

Yeah in original style yes

No one can stop my fire that needs to come out
I will never be like you it is time to move
No one can stop my fire that needs to come out
I will never be like you it is time to move

Se lu mundu ca sta gira nu bbe cchiu nu presciu basta cu te uardi de retu
Pe la strada la idi la disperazione la gente ca more de fame
Rita forte cu te sente ci moe ogne passu tou
Ca de sti burattinai nu tenimu cchiu besegnu moi

No one can stop my fire that needs to come out
I will never be like you it is time to move
No one can stop my fire that needs to come out
I will never be like you it is time to move

Nciole chiu forza de quiddrha ca cridi intra stu mundu qquai
A ci chiu ole te futte e se uarda le paute soi
Lu chiu pulitu tene la rugna è sempre prontu cu bbene cu te nganna
Fannu giochi de prestigiu chini de avidità bramandu alle spalle cu tanta falsità
E ci sape l'intrallazzi ca fannu a du mintenu le manu fannu dannu
Faciti leggi pe interessi e parlati de uguaglianza de diritti
Nu faci nienti pe nienti barattu de ricatti de perdenti
De certu intra sta vita nu sarò mai comu a bui

No one can stop my fire that needs to come out
I will never be like you it is time to move
No one can stop my fire that needs to come out
I will never be like you it is time to move

Lu ciucciu ttaccatu a du ole lu patrunu ca te sienti forte pe mie nu si nisciunu
A chiacchiere si bravu si ma cuntanu li fatti faci lu gradassu a scapitu de l'autri
Sapiti quiddrhu ca siti oramai però li scechi su finiti
E' nu scempiu tuttu quistu ca sta bae allu scatafasciu

No one can stop my fire that needs to come out
I will never be like you it is time to move
No one can stop my fire that needs to come out
I will never be like you it is time to move

Lu mundu ca sta gira nu be cchiu nu presciu basta cu te uardi de retu
I will never be like you it is time to move
Rita forte cu te sente ci sta moe ogne passu tou
I will never be like you it is time to move

No one can stop my fire that needs to come out
I will never be like you it is time to move
No one can stop my fire that needs to come out
I will never be like you it is time to move

Writer(s): Deborah Quarta
Lyrics powered by www.musixmatch.com
