Bitch Let's Get Real

Let's get real
I know you're feeling it
Cause I feel it too
Let's get real
Stop behaving like a hiding fool

Firstly, I'll spit on your concept of democracy
They're all fucking pussies hiding in lion skin
Turn on, tune in
Is there anyone listening
I guess not, cause we're all on mute
But in times of turmoil
We have fingers to point
And re-anoint the flaws
That shape the clauses that causes the chaos
The pay off is that you don't get to lay off
The battle field
Dodging potholes, assholes and concrete
Cutting down trees, cutting down the breeze
Owning companies that keep you on your feet
So busy that you don't see what you don't need
All the rallies, all their flags and their presence in your allies
All their faces on all the hoardings, advertising voting
All their budgets that are flairy, clearly fucking scary, making me weary
Making me see clearly through their flaky personalities
And an image of a picture perfect nation that can't be achieved
Nothing left to steal
This is real

Let's get real
I know you're feeling it
Cause I feel it too
Let's get real
Stop behaving like a hiding fool

I don't wanna vote for no scapegoat
Get an escape pod ready
The load is heavy, they're already down the slope we're dreading
And their quotes are deviant
We can't reason with lunatics can we
But what we can do is undo the reasons behind their existence
By not being bought by what we're taught
And what distorts our perception of reality
Reshaping textbooks to their ideologies
In an economy that sustains on false liberties
Closing our minds to what we see, simply denying their atrocities.
Why is justice ceased
Justice, bitch please
Ease into the system like you have a mission to discard the reasons
That act as true treason to an economy that's not made of money
But people who have hopes and dreams
Justice, bitch please
Cease the moments that you know when we're fed bullshit
And act upon it like you know you want it
But not because they filled your pockets
We bid for release
Justice bitch please
Show yourself and for once be honest
Let the scale not have a conquest
Unfold your eyes to the horrid reality

It's time to see
Justice bitch please

Let's get real
I know you're feeling it
Cause I feel it too
Let's get real
Stop behaving like a hiding fool

Writer(s): Sheldon Fonseca
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