All In

Brown eyes
Brown hair
A Mocca teint
The legs are fucking long
Before I got trapped by your grace
I thought that I was strong
But it doesn't end with that
You haven't seen the whole rest
There are curves angles temptations
And places at it's best

Unique face
Little Lines
At least when you smile
Symmetric lips
Perfectly shaped
I stare at you all the time
But it doesn't end with that
You should risk a second look
Then her eyes just penetrate
And read you like a book

Someday you're my darling
Someday you're mine
All In
All In
And everything is fine
Someday you're my darling
Someday you're mine
All In
All In
And everything is fine

Soft hands
Soft legs
Concave navel
And flowing curly hair
In my desire
In my longing
I am already there
But it doesn't end with that
There is so much more to see
What about
Her back
Her crotch
There's no better place to be

Someday you're my darling
Someday you're mine
All In
All In
And everything is fine
Someday you're my darling
Someday you're mine
All In
All In
And everything is fine

Nice pics
Nice scenes
And memories
An inspiring lane
Good points kill the bad ones
And the bedtimes will remain
But it doesn't end with that
So much more that I could tell
Often we've been one in heaven
Sometimes we've shared the hell

You have been my darling
You have been mine
All In
All In
And everything was fine
You have been my darling
You have been mine
All In
All In
And everything was fine
You have been my darling
You have been mine
All In
All In
And everything was fine
You have been my darling
You have been mine
All In All
Not everything was fine

Writer(s): Marius Lex, Reaper's Scythe, Thomas Kulle
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