The New Age

Go! Waken that which dwells beneath the conscious mind
Lying silent ever waiting, but it's the time
Infinite possibilities await thee, demigod
And soon you'll understand thy purpose will be one of wrath
Now that you comprehend what can exist within the earth
Tumults of resentment are bursting forth at others' lack of worth

A scathing hated of all that is wasted
By something that I cannot quite comprehend
A need to take control and do what must be done
Semi-divine Orchestrators of End

As consciousness transcends in ways that never prior could be known
We idly wait for our seeds of hate to grow

What we need will be ours for the taking
Not every life is worth saving
They will learn to accept it in time
The sweet taste of death to them will be divine

With blood on our hands
We welcome you to the new age

Watch as our seedlings grow
Change irreversible
Wait 'til their souls are sold
Hate they will surely know

Gaze through their nascent eyes
Sick as they realize
Knowing what must be done
A new world beneath the sun

A scathing hated of all that is wasted
By something that I cannot quite comprehend
A need to take control and do what must be done
Semi-divine Orchestrators of End

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