Mors Vincit Omnia

Death conquers all
My final words before I fall
What will they be
And what could they mean
What should I do
Tell the truth or just keep lying to you
Cause it's the only thing I know how to do
Well I guess I'll just be honest
I knew which way this would go
From the moment I started
Just another starving artist
Swears to god they tried their hardest
But when times got their darkest
They gave up their fight
Drove off into the night
Never to be seen again
Is that what I'll my friend
A statistic
A pointless dot on a graph no one cares about
Why can't I be something more
Remembered for my life before my brain went to war against me
So I guess this is my legacy
A bunch of music
A cry for help
No one could see

I wanted to get better
I thought I was getting better
But I guess I can't hide
From the way I feel forever
The truth comes out in the end
No more time to pretend
My life suspended
It's done
I'm done
I want to fly into the sun
I want to be burnt alive
But I can't shake the feeling
All the people I am leaving
What would they think of me
So I guess I'll write my note
My final words before I go
I can't keep living like this
Wanting to sink into the abyss
This is a moment of clarity
And the answer is staring at me
I'm taking my life tonight
I'm loading my gun
This is the setting of the sun

Mors Vincit Omnia... Death Conquers All

Writer(s): Matt Collishaw
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