Gam Ze Yaavor

Gam Ze Yaavor x4

Every minute of every day
just know that you are okay
Broken roads and a hurting heart
Find a way to make a start
Elokim L'maala x2

Cant see ahead, a misty way
He waits to hear your special prayer
Fix the road and your broken heart
Believe it just go make a start
Eloki L'maala x2

Gam Ze Yaavor x4

A hidden face can't se you there
An empty street so cold and bare
Cant find the peices, my broken heart
The broken roads won't let me start
Elokim L'maala x2

Cant carry on, taken too long
For redemption and to find my song
Got to fix the road and my broken heart
Believe it I can make a start
Elokim L'maala x2

Gam Ze Yaavor x8

Im nizkor et hashir hameyuchad
Shenichtav al yadcha im Kol zricha
Nistakel al hatov velo nifchad
vehalev yipatach kvar m'elav
Im nabit rak m'ever Lapina
Usfatenu yeranenu tikva
Hamachar yevase hageula
Vekulanu nashir B'bitcha

Gam Ze Yaavor

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