El Bálsamo (Track Commentary English)

Hello, I am Papina de Palma from Uruguay
And I want to tell you a little bit about my song, "El Bálsamo"
Which in English would be, "The Balm"

A while ago, I was very sad
It was one of those sad times
That give you the feeling that it will never end
In case you're feeling that way, spoiler alert, it always ends
Although at the time I did not remember that
And the days went by, and I did not understand
How I was able to float, given how heavy my body felt

Until I saw it
What was holding me up were the hands of my friends
Their unbreakable support
What a relief, I could be sure that
They were not going to let me fall under any circumstances

I think that from that discovery, I started to feel better
This song was born that way
As a gratitude hug, an ode to the love they give me
It gathers stories of several friendships
In different stages of my life

As I love redundancy, I invited Inés Errandonea to sing it with me
Who besides being a colleague I admired
For her sensitivity and talent
Is one of those friends who helped me during my fall
She is the balm

I am excited to share this song
Especially at this time, when we need to be loved closely
Tenderness to fight roughness
The hug of a friend

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