Tone Finessa Speech (Intro) - Skit

(glasses clinking)
Ohh! let Tone Finessa speak
(glasses clinking)
Yeah, what up Tone?

Listen, there's something I wanna say
Our artist DVS
Has pissed off more producers
And studio engineers, again
By deciding to come back
With this project, in a way
For which there is no excuse

He's got a problem with flowing pains
He's disappointed his critics
Who said he wouldn't rhyme again
And he's put us all at risk

Irregardless, it's been made clear to me
If certain others within the industry
Put there hands on him
He will not be dealt with quick
I'm talking torture
For that reason, even if I knew where
DVS has been, and I do not
I still would not deliver him up to them
I would offer him the same protection
That I would offer any of you in similar circumstances

Now I know what you're gonna say
Tone, head of the finessa's
I would never do what he's done
God bless, I hope not
But we are a family
And even in this fucked up music business
That means something

So we're gonna deal with this as a family
Together no matter how
It effects anybody in our camp
Now all of you's shut the fuck up
And let's see what the man has to say

Writer(s): David Valenti, Nick Serrano
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