Be Still and Know I am God (feat. Claire Nix)

Be still and know I am God
Let your heart and your mind know the truth
Let the heavens proclaim the wonder of my works
Be still and know I am God

I created Earth and then the moon
And I guide them 'round the sun
And I synchronize their orbits constantly
Any closer, you would burn to death
Any farther, you would freeze
Do you really think that happens without Me

Earth's orbit 'round the sun creates
The seasons every year
And Spring revives the flowers and the trees
Then I send the rain to help them grow
To create the air you breathe
Do you really think that happens without Me

Be still and know I am God
Let your heart and your mind know the truth
Let the heavens proclaim the wonder of my works
Be still and know I am God

The Earth is just a giant ball
So I created gravity
To hold you safe wherever you might be
And it keeps the seas from pouring out
On a ball that tilts and turns
Do you really think that happens without Me

The skies are filled with giant rocks
That sometimes break apart
And they make a fiery trail that you can see
So I surrounded Earth with atmosphere
To protect you from debris
Do you really think that happens without Me

Be still and know I am God
Let your heart and your mind know the truth
Let the heavens proclaim the wonder of my works
Be still and know I am God

When you look up at the mountains
And the snowcaps packed with snow
And you hear the water rushing through the trees
From the snowcaps to the rivers
From the rivers to the sea
Do you really think that happens without Me

I watched you travel to the moon
And I couldn't help but smile
'Cause I wanted you to see Earth from My view
That is how it looks from Heaven
Like a rare and priceless gem
And I hope you know I made it just for you

Be still and know I am God
Let your heart and your mind know the truth
Let the heavens proclaim the wonder of my works
Be still and know I am God

Be still and know I am God

Writer(s): John Nix
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