Lift Off (Prologue)

There is nothing I can say
Here you and I lay
Forever in this moment
My heart will stay
The sight of you is breathtaking
When I am with you I can't breath
But you're my life support
My happiest thought

When I'm with you
I can't help but smile
You make me feel alive
Never before have I been this way
You make me the happiest girl alive

The most blissful feeling
Two feathers of the purest white
Drifting in the gentle wind
Time forever passing by
A flicker of events
Only us remaining constant

If kisses were water
I would give you the ocean
If hugs were leaves
I would give you every tree
If love were a planet
I would give you the galaxy
If a life were eternity
I would give you mine

Aw, that's sweet
Stop, I'm trying to be romantic
Haha. Don't let me stop you then. Continue

Funny, but jokes aside
I never believed in love until I met you
I never imagined it were possible
But in that one second
My whole world changed
When we first locked eyes on each other
It was as if time had been frozen
Like I had awoken from an eternal sleep
To discover that reality
Was beyond my wildest dreams

All of my life I have been waiting
For someone like you
To walk along and pick me up
What I am trying to say is I'm in love
You've changed me
You are the one I want to know
You are a part of me
Now and forever
I will love you

You're so much rarer
Than one in a million
You make me feel whole
Before I met you
I didn't know what loving was
Or what feeling was
I was vacant; not really there
But since you came along
That has all changed
I've got a good reason
To call you the best
This is what living is - us

I want to stare into your eyes
And never look away
I want you to hold me in your arms
And tell me it's okay
I want to kiss you with a passion
Only we can share
I want you to know I think of you
When you're not there

I will be there, I will always be there
Always... You know that, right?

Of course, I do
You have no idea how amazing you are
I have to pinch myself every time I see you
It blows me away how lucky we are
The right place at the right time
Our paths could so easily not have crossed
But the sun happened to shine bright
Tempting us with the prospect of adventure
And the moon, omnipresent in the sky
It's magnetism drawing us together
That night, the stars aligned
Our hearts became one

Every time I am with you it's-it's a free-fall
But a free-fall that never ends
A free-fall that never will end
I'm certain of it
It's us up against the world
And nothing will break us apart
We're forever

Writer(s): Tyler Devlin Clark
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