Don't Let Go

I know what it feels like to lose Hope
When you get confused and don't know where to go
When you can't keep your focus
When you can't find your purpose
When Everything around you feels so surface
And then God resurfaces
Saying keep your chin up
Don't give up
Sayin don't lose hope
Don't let go
When everybody forgot me
You got me
When the world didn't see my worth
You said you knew me before my birth
When the world let me down
You just readjusted my crown
When my good works went unseen
And I lost all my self esteem
You said Keep Dreaming
When I got robbed of my dream job
And all I could do was sob
You told me don't worry about it
I'm God
And when I did my best
And yet I was still upset
You said don't sweat it
And when I felt alone and needed company
All I could hear was you're all I need to get by
I wanted to write you this poem to brighten your day
When can't see the color of God's beauty and everything seems gray
Don't lose hope
Keep your faith in God
And don't Let Go

Writer(s): Javier Reyes
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